

Small Business Accounting for Dunkirk, NY

As a Dunkirk resident herself, Joanne loves doing anything she can to ensure a bright future for the businesses in her community. Her small business accounting services include income tax preparation, compilations and reviews, and monthly book keeping services.

Income Tax Preparation

Whether you need your personal taxes filed or you would like your New York State taxes done for your corporation, large or small, Joanne is fully prepared to work hard to ensure you get the return you deserve. You may think that you are saving money by downloading the free software, but there is far too much room for error. Joanne has the experience and the personal touch that a computer simply does not have. When tax season comes knocking at your door, Joanne will be there for you.
Income Tax Preparation- forms, pen, calculator
Compilations and Reviews

If your bank or potential lender needs information for your loan, it may seem overwhelming to say the least. Don’t try to go it alone; Joanne has experience and will help you gather information and understand the compilation process. She can help you with your financial statements, and any other assurances needed.

Don’t spend countless hours sifting through financial jargon. Joanne can spot any inconsistencies and help you appease your stakeholders. 
tax reviews, charts

Monthly Book Keeping Services

Wouldn’t it be nice to keep track of how well your business is doing on a monthly or quarterly basis? As your dedicated public accountant, Joanne can help keep track of your financial progress, and give you advice on how to improve your processes. There are also many accounting systems out there and she can help you choose one that would work best for your needs. You will receive financial statements with all the details you need for a successful future. Call Joanne today to see how she can customize her skills to suit your business. 
Bookkeeping Services

Contact Our Certified Public Accountant Today!

Joanne M. Hallmark, CPA is a certified public accountant serving the Fredonia, and Dunkirk, NY areas. We help individuals and businesses file their income tax returns. Our tax accountant has thorough knowledge of the every-changing tax law. This helps us to maximize deductions, minimize tax expenses, and make the entire process easier on you. For businesses, we also offer bookkeeping services to help managers and owners keep track of their business's financial health. Contact us today to learn more about any of our financial services!

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